Phantom of the Cinema
Phantom of the Cinema
Is a wild, highly unserious and in many parts strange documentary short feature film.
A conglomeration of scraps of interviews pieced together with those who made Free Cinema, a film club run autonomously by young people, possible with a certain masochism over more than 50 years.
It is a scavenger hunt in search of the spirit that made this autonomous cinema possible, played by members and amateur actors, shot by professionals.
Production, Editing, Screenplay and Direction: Achim Girnth
© 2023 Achim Girnth

The 20th Century
In 1998 the Bertelsmann Group started an extensive Video Project about the 20th Century which had to be ready for the Market in 1999.
We were editing in three shifts and composed short thematic sequences out of a huge amount of archive material. The presentation here
shows the clip "Race to the Moon".
The final project had a runtime of more than 14 hours of video and was sold in 10 countries including Japan.
Senior Cutter, Director and Project Head: Achim Girnth
© Bertelsmann Chronik Verlag

Live aus dem JAZZTONE
On October 23, 2020, the Sao Paulo-born NICE BRAZIL, a singer who interprets Brazilian music with passion, came to JAZZTONE Lörrach.
The star guest was the French harmonica virtuoso OLIVIER KER OURIO, who comes from the island of La Reunion.
Due to the pandemic, only 20 spectators could come to the club. Therefore the concert was
was streamed live on the Internet. With almost 300 viewers, the broadcast was a respectable success.
We show a short excerpt from the program.
Camera: Jacek Berezowski
Streaming technology and picture editing: Achim Girnth
© 2020 jazz club 56 lörrach e.v

Event Recording for OHRENSCHMAUS
The clip "Belle nuit o nuit d'amour" from the opera "Contes d'Hoffmann" by Jacques Offenbach was shot at the OHRENSCHMAUS event in Liestal (Switzerland) produced by Joe Künzle. I shot the event with two cameras using existing light. For the editing in Premiere CC I used separate high quality audio recordings.
© Ohrenschmaus by Joe Künzle

Virtual Studio Comedy
Directing this Pilot for the Bertelsmann internet portal wissen.de was my first contact with a virtual world. The scene was shot live with two cameras using a Virtual Studio system. I developed the concept together with Oliver Beerhenke (who also plays the trashman), a skilled comedian, TV anchorman and author. The idea was to transport knowledge in an easy and entertaining way.
© Medienfront

Motivation Clip
This motivation video was shown at the beginning of a corporate meeting about innovation and project sharing.
It is a typical example of creating a message from scratch.
Having nothing but some catchwords, I designed a fast multilayered composite with some historical clips attached to the main themes.
So this is more emotion than information, but it did the job.
© Novartis Pharma

Democracy Day
On Friday, September 18, 2020, the city of Lörrach invited to the top-class panel discussion "Democracy in the border triangle in times of Corona" as part of the supporting program for Democracy Day. The discussion, organized jointly with the Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung, focused on the impact of the Corona pandemic on the three neighboring democratic systems. The event was streamed live on the Internet.
Camera: Jacek Berezowski
Streaming technology and picture editing: Achim Girnth
© 2020 Stadtverwaltung Lörrach

Bertelsmann Historica
The Bertelsmann Historica Project about the history of mankind was the follow-up of the successful 20th Century Edition. The runtime of the video was about 6 hours on a set of 3 DVDs. Besides working on the concept, I did the complete video compositing in Discreet Combustion and the editing with Discreet Edit.
© wissen.de Verlag

Next Generation Scientists
Since 2000 I am constantly editing corporate videos on a freelance base for my Swiss clients. I also do camera and sound recording work. This short clip is a teaser for the Novartis interns program. I did the editing and all B-roll shooting.
© 2012 Novartis Pharma