Web Development
Does your head grumble with buzzwords like
Do your web designers only use gibberish terms like
Bootstrap and
Joomala? Clear your head for meaningful messages and understandable statements!
Fun instead of frustration with your web presence.
Can you really imagine that?
We will be happy to help you with your web project. Not because we are nice people (we are), but actually only against filthy lucre. With us, however, you don't have to finance a DeSede sofa in the lobby of our office or my new Bentley (honestly, I don’t have one). A solid AND inexpensive offer is just a click away!
And if it can be a bit bigger, have a look at my most demanding project ARTWORKS.ART.
At this point many competitors like to point out that they have a competent team of programmers, designers, writers and media specialists. But that's what you thought anyway, right?
BILL GATES, Computer Pioneer

Live Streaming
You always wanted your own TV show? For companies, event organizers and public authorities we broadcast all kinds of events such as product presentations, trainings, lectures, talk rounds, speeches and also cultural events. With our live stream solutions we offer:
- Transmission to password-protected websites
- Use of professional sound and video equipment
- Impressive streaming quality
- Streaming website in your company design
- Production of trailers, play-in videos and graphic elements
- Recording and post-production of the live event
Or show your products with online video and save high costs for exhibition booths and travel expenses. Important product details can be reproduced in razor-sharp detail. You have the possibility to respond to questions asked in chat and answer them immediately.
Go digital and show your customers that you are there for them.
FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT, French Film Director

Video Production
In 1972, being a big fan of the movies, I founded a local cinema club.
It should then be no surprise to learn that in the early eighties, I started an apprenticeship
as a film editor.
Working with physical film material
(the long polyester strip with perforation),
I was soon swept away by the video revolution and had to follow a long journey from analog tapes
to the current file-based video production.
I am convinced that the quality of a video is determined by skills, not by hardware.
Being a film-maker for more than four decades, I am proud to offer the best possible service
for my clients, both in time and in budget.
A new and exiting area is live streaming of events
which opens new ways for marketing and communication.
PETER JACKSON, Director "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy

Virtual Reality
Starting in 2015 with Epic’s Unreal Engine,
I immediately realized the enormous potential for corporations using Virtual Reality
in their training programs. Solid coding skills, years of making, and directing movies
has helped me to dig deep into a virtual world of my own.
While constantly banging-my-head
developing with
Oculus Rift,
the first thing I learned was to keep my working area clean…
To facilitate the creation of virtual reality scenes, I first partnered with well-trained colleagues,
and purchased ready-made environments. The most challenging aspect of creating a Virtual Reality
app was to modify settings and scenes for the demanding 90 fps (frames per second)
which are required by head mounted displays.
LAURIE ANDERSON, Perfomance Artist and Musician

System and App Programming
In 1978, the Microcomputers took control. Being fascinated by this new technology,
I invested in a
evaluation board and started to learn programming at the lowest possible level:
Dozens of books and training courses later, I started my first commercial 6502 assembler
programming project:
, a timecode system for film on specially developed hardware.
I always felt that software development was a perfect supplement to my media career.
Going from VB6 to vb.net and C#, I developed a lot of commercial and corporate applications
dealing with the fascinating crossover between video and software. To sum-up my background,
I have more than 40 years of programming experience.
TERRY PRATCHETT, British Fantasy Author

Game Programming
Game programmers are nearsighted pale nerds with thick glasses who live in darkened rooms between piles of pizza boxes and overflowing ashtrays. They listen to death metal music and scream "BAZINGA" loudly when the program doesn't crash for once.
I am honestly sorry that I do not fulfill these prejudices. Nevertheless I am a game programmer. With the help of the excellent UNREAL engine I make you dive into unimaginable worlds. My game portfolio ranges from virtual fairs to scary escape games.
Of course it's fun, but it also opens up completely new possibilities for presentations, trainings and video productions. If you don't put special emphasis on it, there won't be any elves, wizards or aliens in it and I promise I don’t scream "BAZINGA" all the time…
Satoru Iwata, former President and CEO of NINTENDO